Power BI Training Session With PT. BNI Sekuritas

We are proud to announce another important milestone in our company history. Today marks the first day of our Power BI training session with PT. BNI Sekuritas.As the demand for data-driven business intelligence is increasing lately, PT. BNI Sekuritas has recognized the needs to create dashboard report with BI assistance…

Power BI Training Session With Transmarco Asia

We are proud to announce another important milestone in our company history. Today marks the first day of our Power BI training session with Transmarco Asia.As the demand for data-driven business intelligence is increasing lately, Transmarco Asia has recognized the needs to create dashboard report with BI assistance and choose…

Microsoft Dynamics Roadshow 2024

As one of Microsoft solution partner in Indonesia, we are always looking for an opportunity to share our knowledge and experience. Therefore, when a group of companies invited us to help them choosing the right solutions for their current problem, we are more than happy to assist.With the help from…

Power BI Training Session With PT. Vale Indonesia

We are happy to announce another successful training session with PT. Vale Indonesia. As the demand for data-driven business intelligence is increasing lately, PT. Vale Indonesia has recognized the needs to create dashboard report with BI assistance and choose Microsoft Power BI as one of the most sophisticated BI product…

Go Live Celebration With PT. Excellen Silo Ferroalloy

We are proud to announce another successful project completion for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations implementation on PT. Excellen Silo Ferroaloy and PT. Excellen Silo Leaching. PT. Excellen Silo Ferroalloy is a company established in 2021 between Hong Kong Excellen Mining Investment Co., Ltd. and PT. Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores,…