Project Kick-Off Meeting With ADBI (Asian Development Bank Institute)

Omedetō gozaimasu!

We are happy to announce the beginning of another success story with our newest client, ADBI (Asian Development Bank Institute). Today we wrap up our Project Kick-Off Meeting via Zoom Meeting and are ready to start this amazing journey together.

The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) is the Tokyo-based think tank of the Asian Development Bank. ADBI provides demand-driven policy research, capacity building and training, and outreach to help developing countries in Asia and the Pacific practically address sustainability challenges, accelerate socioeconomic change, and realize more robust, inclusive, and sustainable growth.

We believe that with our solution, ADBI can manage its Document Management System and Report with ease and thus resulting in a faster and more accurate decision-making process in the future. Thank you for choosing us as your Implementation Partner. Arigatou Gozaimasu!